Sunday, December 7, 2014

The influence of Martha graham

Martha Graham (1894-1991) and artist Pablo Picasso is one of "the three great masters of art of the twentieth century," Stravinsky par musician, she is one of the largest rebel dance, creation of her life up to 180 works, her artistic vision and limb development techniques laid the foundation of the entire modern dance, some say even against the worship of modern dance pioneer, but she is still going to be sacrosanct .she is dancing altar myth creator - Martha Graham.
If the "mother of modern dance," Duncan is to create modern dance and ballet vocabulary precedent contrary to the people, then, the modern dance flourish and successfully established a complete system for the first person on the non-none other than Martha Graham.
 If Duncan is a creator, for dancing lit a lamp, then illuminated beacon along the direction of extension of the road warrior pioneers blazing role is undoubtedly belong to Martha Masters.

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